
In 1 Timothy 3:5, Paul refers to elders as House Stewards. A steward acts on behalf of anothers interests or possessions and is thus accountable to another for what is entrusted to his care.Stewardis an appropriate description for an elder. Pauls point is simple and profound; the elder is Gods household manager. This means the elders are accountable to God first, not the church, as the household belongs to God. God demands that those to whom His precious children are entrusted be morally and spiritually fit. The elder is clearly considered to be Gods servant. He is to do Gods work, and is ultimately accountable to God for his performance. A man whose home life is blameless will, in all probability, be blameless in a leadership role in Gods house.

Mike Kloss

Michael Kloss


Michael has served Redeemer Church Lynnwood as deacon and elder, and became the fulltime minister in 2018. He seeks to equip Redeemer Church to serve Lynnwood by living out the ministry of Jesus Christ locally. Michael firmly believes that the fullness of Christ is the only way to experience the fullness of life. He and his wife, Anne Marie, enjoy a vibrant and wonderful marriage, and have six children.

Mike Kloss

Joel Eby


Joel was born into a centurieslong Mennonite family tradition rooted in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, but followed his fathers path to reformed theology by means of R.J. Rushdoony, John Calvin, and the kingdomoriented music of Ted Sandquist. His distinctly American musical background sets a unique tone for Redeemer Church Lynnwood that balances new and old, church tradition, and robust use of instruments. Joel and his wife, Rachel, have four children that fill their home with classic literature, board games, and music.

Mike Kloss

Jered Leslie


Jered has been a member of Redeemer Church Lynnwood since 2012. He was appointed as an elder in 2022. He received a BA in religion and philosophy in 2015 and has since taught and preached at Redeemer. He and his wife, Julia, have four young children.


Deacons assist the elders in the ministry of the church. Diaconal tasks are appointed in accordance the churchs unique needs at a given time. These men of character are assigned different areas of responsibility over the congregation, based on the spiritual giftedness and the interests of each deacon.

Nate Cjeka

Joshua Fink

Dexter Lesaca

Luke Stewart

Elders Emeritus

Redeemer Church Lynnwood is thankful for God’s faithfulness across many generations. No longer actively serving as elders, the current session of elders is pleased to honor a prior generation of elders that continue to attend and serve the church through unofficial ministry. 

Ron CoveyCoverdale

Steve Brown

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