Christian, Reformed,
Evangelical, Presbyterian
Redeemer Church Lynnwood is committed to the historic Christian faith lived out in our generation, in our local community of Lynnwood, Washington.
Deep roots in

Redeemer Church was first established as Tree of Life Church in 1984, by a group of faithful men seeking to lead godly families. Pastor Robert Andrews led the church until 1998. Initially independent, Tree of Life became Christ Covenant Church when it joined the CREC in 2000.
Pastor Dean Hellekson came to us shortly thereafter, and faithfully led the church until 2016. The church was renamed “Redeemer Church” in 2013 when it moved from the outskirts to the center of Lynnwood. Now led by a session of elders who were trained under the prior generations of elders, Redeemer Church Lynnwood is still attended by some of the original founders from 1984.
We follow Jesus
We proclaim that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who began remaking the world 2,000 years ago by His life and ministry. Jesus is the eternal Word of God who was crucified, died and rose again to take his throne as King of the heavens and the earth. This grace both saves us and trains us to live Godly lives in the present age. Nothing on earth is outside of Christ’s dominion and it is our privilege and joy to serve Him as His kingdom comes on earth, as it is in heaven.
We preach the Word
We believe in proclaiming the whole counsel of God. The Old and New Testaments are a unified story about how God is saving a people for Himself and remaking the world. We preach it, teach it, and seek to apply it to all of life.

Christ defeated sin
We are called to be holy as the Lord is holy. We call sin by its name and, through biblical confession and repentance unto life, cast our sins upon Christ our Redeemer. Our acceptance of Christ’s sacrifice as the perfect Lamb of God restores us to God. It is Christ and His work alone, that remedies the deathly effects of sin – in each believing person and in every aspect of human culture.
“The most extraordinary thing in the world is an ordinary man and an ordinary woman and their ordinary children.”
We are citizens of a greater Kingdom
Jesus said that all authority in heaven and earth was given to Him. We were far from the commonwealth of Israel, but Christ is redeeming a people for Himself, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, the family of God who disciples the nations and teaches them to observe all that Christ commanded. Redeemer makes disciples who make disciples, so that Christ’s Kingdom continues to spread, from the river to the ends of the earth (Psalm 72:8).
A local outpost

Yet one Church,
Families, the kingdom’s primary building blocks
Discipling our children in the way of the kingdom